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Welcome to the "Light & International" version of my website!

This page is mostly dedicated to my Evangelion fanworks.

42.  ZOMG SITE NEWS! - by
[01.06.2008. 14:40]
Woha, been awhile since I've used this button.
It might not look all that different, but in the last weeks, I've entirely re-coded the site.
One reason was that it was too little "mine" - I just slapped on some existing scripts and changed only so much to get it to work. And while I couldn't entirely do without tutorials or examples, this is much more "mine" than before.

More importantly though: Over time it became more and more of a chore to do an update, as it wasn't just uploading a file, but also changing/adding several variables manually. Now being sql-based, I can do this much easier.

The next big change was to get rid of the javascript menu. I don't know about you, but prefer js turned off myself (thanks NoScript), so the site is now "completely" js-free (I'm not sure about the gallery - but that one script'd be too much hassle for me to redo myself).
Ironically, the menu now being CSS-based makes it sadly unusable for a likely much larger percentage of visitors: Namely those still using the Internet Explorer. However, unlike the with old varaiant, where you only had the choice between activating js for the time being or use an alternate page that I haven't bothered to update for ages, the links on the main menu all refer to "subsites" now (also thanks to the sql-structure. I'd never have kept those up-to-date manually). So even if the pull-down doesn't work for you, you can still reach everything on the site; just not in a quite as nifty way.

And speaking of those subsites: If you go to the nge one, you can see two more additions: A RSS-feed or alternatively a newsletter option to notify you of updates in the fanfics. Originally planned for a new project of mine, which I won't reveal just yet where ff.net's author alerts or similar won't do you any good. You can already sign up for the newsletter for that if you want to know when it starts - but I'm sure you will anyway. I hope the RSS works properly as I have no real experience with that and was just a late afterthought tbh... ^_^;

The move isn't entirely complete yet; the news script and the review/guestbook/comments system will be adapted too, but if everything works fine you won't really notice much of a difference for those.

A last thanks to the testers and have fun, everyone. ;)

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41.  Translations, translations, translations - by
[06.05.2008. 21:46]
Aside from the ever so fast L-Voss, who has already the newest chapter "polished", Beamknight is back from the dead with the Spanish Chapter 9.
And in case you haven't noticed, the German version also managed to catch up a bit recently (mostly thanks to Chad), being up to Chapter 4 now, with chap 5 probably following this week and chap 7 also already waiting for release (yes, 7. Don't ask.)

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40.  So it was a bit over a week... - by
[03.05.2008. 20:31]

EM version will have to wait since I'll have to get used to that new fanfic script they're pushing first.

Death threats for "the reason" incoming in 10... 9... 8...

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