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Welcome to the "Light & International" version of my website!

This page is mostly dedicated to my Evangelion fanworks.

33.  Don't hold your breath... - by
[06.08.2007. 23:46]
...as I don't want to be held responsible for any casualties if it doesn't work out after all, but...

I might, MIGHT finish T2t within this month (see the "might"? )

Yes, you read right, though I'm not promising anything. "16th", "repeat" and "17th" are about to enter fine-tuning stage (status-percentages should jump into the 90s with the next update round), with "Final" and "end" close behind (well, at least "end" ), and even the dreaded "raise" is finally making serious progress since it got every second slot in my former round robin "algorithm".

But again, as much as I want to have at least that next chapter ready before you guys waited an entire year for it (which has totally nothing to do with the possible return of the takoball awards soon >_> ), I don't really have the best track record for such predictions. *remembers something about "finishing that bugger {last} year" - but also "it probably won't reach the 175k"* :D
Even though I have a run right now, you never know if writer's block or worse strike any time and there's still my unresolved job situation... So bear with me if I don't quite make it. ^^;

edit: http://jimmywolk.studenten-froendenberg.de/gallery/displayimage.php?pos=-105 :D

Comments (5)

32.  No Annual One-Shot This Year - No, Seriously... - by
[09.06.2007. 11:46]
I'm sorry having to repeat this, but between T2t, trying to find a new job(-education), other *cough* projects and yes, admittedly also me being a slob, there wasn't enough room for it. In fact, I haven't really worked on the one I had originally planned for last year at all since then.
And I'm afraid there isn't much hope for some mini-idea to jump in this time.

On a semi-positive side: All T2t chapters have breached the 10k word minimum I've set for myself, summing it up to above 160k words and 400 pages total. I know that probably doesn't mean all that much to you, especially since it doesn't seem very much for all that time since my christmas update. But let me stress that most chapters are closing in on the finishing line.
Sadly, the next chapter is still the one most far away from it. XD

Comments (1)

31.  Merry... ah, you know... - by
[24.12.2006. 14:31]
Well then, back to work on T2t. Want that bugger finished this year after all...

Some of you might remember that sentence from "Vacation"'s AN. As you might have noticed, it wasn't meant to be.
But still, progression is there: All remaining chapters have passed the 9000 mark and the fic as whole has reached another and most likely last (since I doubt that it'll be another 25- or even 50000 words) milestone and stands now above 150000.

Anyway, to make up for the lack of reading material, I thought I'd give you at least a small present for Christmas:

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